Donation Options

Bayshore Capital Campaign Donation Options
The Bayshore Association is a 501(c)(3). All donations are tax-deductible. Scroll down to learn about how you can support the capital campaign and take advantage of tax benefits through:

1) Direct Contribution Via Check or Credit Card
2) Qualified Charitable Distributions Using Your Traditional IRA
3) Donating Appreciated Stock
4) Charitable Contribution Matching
5) Naming Rights
Direct Contributions Via Check or Credit Card 
Contribute directly to the Bayshore Association by sending a check made out to Bayshore Association, Inc. to Bayshore Association, Inc., P.O. Box 913, Seneca, SC 29679. Indicate "Capital Campaign" on your check. 
Donate online with credit card or ACH transfer by clicking here.
Qualified Charitable Distributions Using Your Traditional IRA
The basics: If you are a traditional IRA owner and at least 70-1/2 years old, you may make a tax-free distribution from your IRA directly to a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. This is known as a qualified charitable distribution (QCD). To be qualified, such a distribution must pass directly from the IRA trustee to the charity. If you take the funds out of the IRA and then donate the funds to charity, you lose the ability to treat this as a QCD.
Tax advantage: QCDs are excluded from taxable income. On your tax return, you will indicate that the distribution is not taxable because it is a qualified charitable donation. Your adjusted gross income (AGI) is not affected by the distribution. Important: You are not allowed a tax deduction for a qualified charitable distribution since you exclude it from income entirely.
Also important: If you are required to take minimum distributions from your IRA, the qualified charitable distribution will count toward your required minimum distribution (RMD).
An example of how to do it: You have a traditional IRA with Fidelity, you meet the age requirement and would like to make a $2000 contribution to support the tennis park capital project. Instruct your IRA account trustee at Fidelity to issue a check for $2000 to:
Bayshore Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 913
Seneca SC 29679
Donating Appreciated Stock
The basics: If you own stock you have held for more than 1 year, you may donate it to charity and deduct its fair market value as a noncash charitable contribution. You do not need to report the capital gain.
Tax advantage: You may deduct the full value of the stock without paying tax on the capital gain.
How to do it: Instruct your broker to send stock to the Bayshore Association, Inc. account at the Edward Jones office below. Kenny Mohr, financial advisor, or August Hines, Senior Branch Office Administrator, will work with your IRA trustee to facilitate the donation.
Edward Jones
10873 Clemson Blvd, Unit 112
Seneca, SC  29678
Phone: 864-654-5987 
Charitable Contribution Matching
If you work for a company that matches charitable contributions, you can increase your support through your company. Contact your HR department for details.
Naming Rights
Everyone who provides financial support for the project will be honored on a sign at the tennis park at the levels below. Please note that donors can choose to remain anonymous or be recognized as a "Supporter" if they prefer their donation level to be anonymous.
Bayshore Patron: Up to $999
Bayshore Builder: $1000 to $1999
Bayshore Innovator: $2000 to $4999
Bayshore Champion: $5000 to $9999
Bayshore Hero: $10,000 to $19,999
If you support this project by contributing at least $20,000, we can recognize you or your family by naming some part of the tennis park in your honor. Please contact a Bayshore Board member to discuss options.